Our Family - Which of Course Includes All of Our English Bulldog Breeder Babies!

My husband and I are not new to the English bulldog breeding industry, nor is it just a pastime or something we do on the side. We started breeding the healthiest and strongest generational line of English bulldogs over a decade ago.

Our first bulldog, Bruiser, was not your average English bulldog. He was the smartest, most loyal, and joyful companion we could have ever wished for. Every morning, he was our alarm clock at exactly 7 am, with a snort that was music to our ears and put a smile on our faces.

As evening fell, he was our dinner-needs-to-happen-now bell, alerting me that cooking time had begun. He had an intellect that was higher than any other dog we had ever known, and a compassionate, loving heart that we carry with us every day. We not only remember him fondly; we continue to keep him alive with stories of his hot-mess self.


We Decided to Spread His Good Nature and Wonderful Gifts By Becoming An English Bulldog Breeder

As the years passed, we could see Bruiser aging, and we wanted to ensure that we could forever have a piece of him in our family. So, we had our first litter of puppies from Bruiser. Although our original intent was to keep his spirit alive for just us, we quickly recognized that we could spread his good nature and wonderful gifts to the world. It was after the first litter of puppies arrived that I knew I had found my calling.

Not Just a Chosen Professional English Bulldog Breeder Career - It is My Passion

IrresistiBulls is not just my chosen career path; it is my passion. When you get a dog from us, you are not just getting any dog; you are getting a superior English bulldog with a proven lineage of excellence, health, intelligence, and obedience, along with a spirited personality and all the traits that the world loves about English bulldogs. Their ancestors are not only champion lines; they are uniquely beautiful on the inside and out. You are not purchasing a dog; you are gaining a family member who will be there through thick and thin, love you unconditionally, and yes, probably be your alarm clock and dinner bell all wrapped up in one.

It Isn’t Trial and Error - It’s Science!

Just as Bruiser was not the average English bulldog, we are not your average breeder. We understand that there is a science to it and are experienced, knowledgeable, and scientifically based in all that we do. Our mission isn’t to sell a puppy; it is to ensure that every puppy we breed is a superior one in terms of health, temperament, intelligence, and obedience. We aren’t using trial and error, which can lead to more error than trial. We have done our research to ensure the greatest results. And we do so not only because we care about the families that take our puppies into their homes; we care greatly about the puppies themselves and their quality of life!

Your Best Friend, Companion, and Yes, Hot Mess!

Each English bulldog we send out into the world is not only a piece of our beloved Bruiser; they will be part of your family’s heart and someone that you will love to pieces. Our goal is for you to find your best friend, companion, hot mess, and most importantly, the one who makes your heart sing. We know that you will fall in love from the moment you lay eyes on your new IrresistiBull just like we did the day Bruiser blessed our lives.

At IrresistiBulls, we understand the concerns that people have about the dog breeding industry, and we have them too. I am an ethical breeder with a high regard for the health of my puppies. At the heart of their health and longevity lies the quality of their genetic makeup. My English bulldogs are standard, wrinkly, big-boned, intelligent, good-tempered, and family-oriented companions for a reason – because I value the lives of our dogs and the families who welcome them into their homes.

At the core of many health problems in the English bulldog breed is inbreeding, or keeping too narrow of a genetic pool by using closely-related bloodlines. I have invested and continue to invest in champion blood lineages from around the world, including Spain, Russia, and Ukraine. Not only do I strive to introduce new champion lines into our puppies; I also ensure that they are far removed from one another genetically, which limits the potential for health concerns. So you are not only getting global English bulldog champion bloodlines; you also have the highest quality bloodlines possible for a healthier puppy.

Natural selection works and we understand the concept of it. Our puppies are designed to limit health conditions as much as possible. We go to great lengths to produce a bloodline of champion English bulldogs bred to remove negative traits, such as corkscrew tails and narrow nares, to limit potential problems for our owners and health issues for their pets. We also raise only standard colors with correct conformation, because that’s what nature intended and what defines this beautiful breed.

Our English Bulldog Puppies For Sale Are Tied Forever to You, and So Are We

When you take home one of our puppies, your dogs aren’t the only ones tied to us forever. We don’t believe in handing them off and saying goodbye. We aren’t just breeders; we are English bulldog experts and we love to share our tips, tricks, and knowledge with our families, from training to health problems information and advice. Once you take your puppy home, the communication lines remain open forever. If you ever have a concern about handling a situation, we will be here to help in any way that we can. We can’t stress enough that we care for your puppy as much as you do!

Those first few days, weeks, and sometimes months, can be difficult to maneuver. Puppies are complex creatures, and just like bringing any newborn home, having trusted advice and essential tools is not just a nicety; it reduces stress and makes the assimilation process that much easier. At IrresistiBulls, we provide a puppy starter kit to give you what you need to get started: the necessary information on how to care for your puppy, the resources you may need along the way while figuring your puppy out, and of course, since puppies are to be enjoyed, toys to enhance the bonding process.

Whether you are a seasoned dog owner or a newbie, welcoming your puppy to their new home should not be anything but a joyous occasion. It is our pleasure to make sure that you don’t go home scrambling; instead, take the time to just be with your puppy and start to make a home from day one.